Systematic record keeping simplifies the retrieval of records when they are needed. – Government of Canada
Your policy manual will help newcomers find and honor the direction you have set, grow and maintain a healthy organization, and maintain high-quality delivery of services. If you don’t already have one, you can easily get started today.
Your board meeting minutes contain the decisions handed down from the beginning. Include board decisions that affect the way things are done in your manual. There may be a sample you can use to get started from a similar organization or a nonprofit consultant. If you are building a new manual or making big changes, ask your legal counsel to look things over before board approval. Your lawyer will know current best practices in many areas, and can add them for you.
Your manual can guide you through difficult situations. For example, if you have an employee conflict to address, the task becomes easier when you can refer to a board-approved protocol that outlines action steps. When people are upset, having an established conflict resolution, or emergency management, policy can keep everyone safely working at their best.
What else do you include? New or updated procedures your staff develops, job descriptions and administrative checklists, all go in your manual. When there is turnover, your manual helps with new employee orientation. The people who come after you will be glad you took the trouble to document all this.
You don’t have time for this! No problem. Ask your board to organize a short-term board member task force to complete the project or to find the right volunteer(s).
As always, I am hoping for your every success!