As a step in planning your next campaign, daft a set of frequently asked questions. The process of developing this list prepares your team to give the same answers to the questions donors are likely to ask.
Ask each other every hard question you anticipate from donors. Address objections and concerns. You might even have fun with some role playing. As a group, own the best answers that align with your mission.
The FAQ sheet you develop is for the use of your board, volunteers, and staff only. It will contain too much information to hand out.
Here are a few questions donors might ask:
Do you have a strategic plan?
How can I be assured of the quality of your program?
How will you measure success?
Isn’t this a duplication of services available at XYZ nonprofit?
Why should I support your organization over others?
How much will your services cost?
Where is the money to fund your program coming from?
How will my donation be spent?
Will I be recognized for my donation? Or, I’d like to keep my donation confidential.
What is your mission?
What is the buy-in of the board?
When your document is ready, post the questions and answers that are appropriate for inquirers on your website.
As always, I am hoping for your every success!