Along with the soft skills listed below, recruit toward the make-up of your board reflecting the demographics of your area by ethnicity, gender, key local industries, and other healthy balancers.
7 highly desirable soft skills:
- Passion for your mission: Will they ask others to join them in supporting your great cause?
- Generosity: Do they donate to your organization now?
- Articulate: Will they be spokespeople and advocates?
- Humility: Will they put the needs of the organization above ego?
- Work Ethic: Will they participate actively; investing time between meetings?
- Problem Solvers: They find solutions. You want people like NASA’s Gene Kranz, who led the team when Apollo 13 was in trouble. He later said in an interview,” when bad things happened, we just calmly laid out all the options, and failure was not one of them.”
- Ready to serve: Can you see them doing some of the small tasks needed to accomplish your long-term goals?
Building, or rebuilding, your leadership team is the #1 key to success for any nonprofit.
As Always, I work for you and am hoping for your every success!
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